[terminée] Solnorr Dzant

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Re: [terminée] Solnorr Dzant

Messagepar Daisuke » Jeu 7 Juil 2016 07:51

Voilà c'est mieux ^^

Plus de commentaires pour moi, tu peux passer en brun merde !
There isn't anything that you will ever do in your life that won't one day be described as over.
That cannot tarnish the joy of it. You cannot damage the memory of your greatest days with the regret they're over.

Couleur RP : #004080

~~Being Evil has a price~~

A man's dying is more his survivor's affair than his own.
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Messages: 679
Inscription: Ven 5 Juil 2013 13:26
Localisation: Looking for the other side of the rainbow
Nom RP: Amarok


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